Note: Uploading a video that meets the recommended requirements doesn’t guarantee delivery to all publishers. |
Specifications | Values |
Dimensions |
General: 1920 x 1080 pixels, 1280 x 720 pixels Recommended: 1920 x 1080 pixels |
Aspect ratio | 16:9 |
Bit rate |
General: 1.2 Mbps or higher Recommended: 15 - 40 Mbps |
Audio |
2- channel, -23 integrated LUFS PCM (16 or 24 bit only, preferred) or AAC codec 192 Kbps minimum 48 kHz sample rat |
Format | MP4 |
Video duration |
Min/Max: 6 seconds - 60 seconds Recommended: 6, 15, 30, 45, or 60 seconds |
Audio duration | Must match video |
Max file size | 500 MB |
Frame rate (must be constant) | 23.98, 24, 25, or 29.97, 30 fps based on native rate |
Codec ID | H.264 |
Chroma subsampling |
General: 4:2:0 Recommended: 4:2:2 |
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