The Reaction Studio offers many reactions and triggers, which you can mix & match to create the perfect experience for your users. Triggers are grouped by visitor intent to easily select the most appropriate trigger.
This article will help you understand the different triggers you can select from.
Note: Many triggers can be marked as "Global", meaning they can be applied to all pages of the site, or specific sections. You can read more about it here.
Engaged/Interested Triggers:
Page Entrance -
Trigger a reaction as soon as the visitor enters the page. This is a great way to promote new content, show discounts & promotions, etc.
Page Visits -
This trigger will identify the number of pages a visitor has visited, and allows you the trigger a reaction when the visitor reaches the X page (i.e. the 3rd page). *Based on the current session
Unique Pages - by default, the system will only count unique pages (meaning, if the visitors starts from page A, goes to page B and then returns to page A, the system will only count 2 pages). If you'd like every page visit to be counted (even non-unique), you can disable this option.
Time On Site -
This trigger will measure the time a visitor spends on the entire site, regardless of how long they spent on each page. For example, this allows you to trigger a reaction for a visitor who spent more than 60 on the site.
Timer -
Similar to the "Time On Site" trigger, this trigger will measure the time a visitor spends on the specific page (regardless of the time on site).
Click On -
This trigger will identify when the visitor clicks on element on the page which isn't a link (e.g. an image, logo or text).
Hover -
Similar to the "Click On" trigger, the Hover trigger initiates the reaction as soon as the visitor's mouse hovers over a specific page element.
Interest Reading -
Have you identified key content on your page? Use this trigger to detect when a visitor is engaged in reading a particular section of a page in order to further engage them with your reaction. *Triggers based on a mouse hovering and staying on a text block.
Goal Complete -
If you have multiple goals on the site, and the user completed one goal, this event can be used as a trigger for a reaction. For example, you can set 2 goals - purchase AND newsletter sign up. Then, if a user signs up for the newsletter, you can trigger a reaction that will encourage that user to also make a purchase.
Google Analytics Event -
Just like the "Goal Complete" trigger, the "Google Analytics Event" trigger activates whenever a specific Google Analytics Event occurs on your site. Events can correspond to any action you set on your site such as a video view, checkout completion or other key milestone.
Confused/Hesitant Triggers:
Idle -
This trigger will identify that the user reached a page but has become inactive for a certain amount of time (which you define). The user can either be away from the computer, or browsing a different window or tab.
Timer -
A higher timer can also be used to target users spending extra time on specific pages. This usually indicates they are unable to locate or complete the desired action/information.
Element Triggers:
Form Leave -
This trigger detects when a visitor begins to completing a form then stops or abandons a form. Use this trigger to encourage visitors to return to the form and complete their submission.
Page Exit -
This trigger will identify when a visitor is about to leave the page.
The system recognizes Exit intent when the visitor exhibits actions matching historical patterns exhibited by visitors leaving the site. Use this trigger to intervene with visitors before they leave the site.
Page bounce only - this setting will identify that the page the user is leaving from is also the page he arrived from, making his exit a "bounce".
Video Triggers:
Note: Video triggers can be used with any embedded HTML5 video player.
Video Play -
This trigger detects when a visitor plays a video. Use this trigger to notify a visitor once the video is started.
Video Paused -
This trigger detects when a visitor pauses a video. Use this trigger to engage with visitors when they pause a video.
Video Finish -
This trigger detects when a video finishes playing. Use this trigger to continue engaging with visitors after they have finished watching a video.
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