Target business contacts on Facebook using Metadata's business email to personal contact matching capabilities.
Adding Facebook Permissions is best organized in three parts:
- Add Metadata as a Partner on your business account
- Verify domain and add lead event to your pixel
- Verify your business
Add Metadata as a Partner on your business account
Note: The following permissions are needed to enable Metadata to provide tech support or other professional services directly on the channel.
Ad Account & Page Account Permissions
1. Log in to your Facebook business manager account.
2. Click on Business Manager on the top left.
3. Click on Settings (Bottom left) and then click on More Business Settings.
4. On the left panel, click Partners under Users section.
5. Click the + Add button & choose Give a partner access to your assets option.
6. Enter Metadata's Business Partner ID: 1742404875991099
7. Select Account Admin as the assigned role.
8. The Metadata account should now appear under Partners. Click on Metadata Account.
9. Click Assign Assets.
10. Assign Metadata as Page Admin & Ad Account Admin & Pixels Admin (for all pixels) & Instagram Accounts Content Access & Leads Access.
Note: If the Lead Access asset is not available by default any page admins will be given access to download leads. If you would like to customize lead access please follow these steps:
Verify domain and add lead event to your pixel
Read How to: Verify Domain and create Lead Facebook Event.
Verify your business
Verify your business verification status is verified here
Verify you are able to create Contact List Audiences on Facebook here
In order to create Contact List Audiences you need to have at least 1 running Campaign in your Ad Account and your business verification status needs to be verified.
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