This FAQ will go over the different outcomes when archiving an item on the platform.
Audiences / Target Groups:
When archiving an audience the audience will no longer show available to select.
Campaigns that are already running the audience will not be impacted by archiving the audience. Reports will still continue to show the audience stats.
If you do archive an audience and duplicate an existing campaign that was using that audience it will no longer show.
If you do archive an audience by mistake currently you can't restore it from the UI, but you can request for us to show it again.
When archiving a campaign it will no longer show under unarchived and will be moved to archived when filtering. Stats (spend, impressions, etc) related to campaigns that are archived will still continue to show on reports and the dashboard.
When archiving Leads they will no longer show under unarchived and will be moved to archived when filtering. Leads that are archived will no longer show on reports and the dashboard.
Creatives / Ads / Offers:
When archiving Creatives/Ads/Offers they will no longer show under unarchived and will be moved to archived when filtering. Previous running campaigns with these Creatives/Ads/Offers will not be impacted when archiving.
Account List:
When archiving an Account List they will no longer show under unarchived and will be moved to archived when filtering.
Custom Fields:
When archiving a Custom Field they will no longer show under unarchived and will be moved to archived when filtering. Previous offers using the custom field will remain untouched, but if you duplicate a previous offer the Custom Field will no longer show.
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