Once you connect your marketing automation system, it will take you to a page where you have to map fields between your marketing automation system and the Metadata platform. This mapping is for when the leads are pushed into your marketing automation so it has all the important information you need (ex: business email, phone number, etc).
Not every field needs to be mapped, but the more we map the better because then the lead passes over with more data.
Email Address is mapped to the primary field you use in your Marketing Automation System for emails - this is the opt-in email.
Business email we enrich the business email and this should be mapped to a secondary email field in your MA tool. Generally, you should not map this to the primary email field as this differs from the Opt-In email that was used on the form.
You can also try to check your marketing automation system to see the name of the field used for secondary emails. When running social campaigns you’ll mostly see people using personal emails to download content/sign up. We then go ahead and enrich their business email, and this field allows for the secondary email to pass through.
First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Company Name, Industry, Country & City are all straightforward fields that usually map to the same name fields in your MA tool.
Employees & Revenue Fields: It’s important that these fields are not set up to receive only a range or integer as values in your Marketing Automation System. This field should be set up as a text field to ensure sync. Please see this article for fields we normalize.
Please use UTM Mappings listed below to complete your integration:
UTM Source: utm_source
UTM Medium: utm_medium
UTM Campaign: utm_campaign
UTM Term: utm_term
UTM Content: utm_content
If you don’t see the above as options in your drop-down menu, please view this article on how to set up these UTMs in Hubspot.
Does mapping a field add it to my lead generation forms?
No - you get to choose what fields you include on your lead generation form. The list of mappable fields are the fields that we enrich based on your lead generation form submissions.
For example, your lead generation form may be as simple as First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Country and Company Name. When a lead is added to metadata based on those form fields, we will then attempt to enrich the remaining fields. Full list of fields we enrich:
- Business Email
- First Name
- Last Name
- Job Title
- Personal Phone
- Company Name
- Website
- Company Phone
- Industry
- Address
- Country
- State
- City
- Zip Code
- Employees
- Yearly Revenue
- LinkedIn URL
How can I prevent metadata from overwriting existing field values?
Unfortunately, that is not possible. If you have mapped a field, we will overwrite that field with the value we have for that lead on our platform. That being said, you have options:
- We do not overwrite existing values with blank values.
- Regardless of your field mappings, you can always view all enriched field data associated with a lead through the Converted Leads page. That being said, if there are fields you do not feel comfortable mapping then you can simply leave those fields unmapped. After validating the enriched data for those fields on metadata, you may decide to map them at a later point.
- You may create a separate set of fields on your marketing automation tool to accept metadata enriched data. For example, you could map Country to Metadata Country. Then, where Country is blank (on your marketing automation platform) you can create a workflow to copy the value from Metadata Country to overwrite Country on your marketing automation platform. This approach would allow you to define prioritization for the different enrichment tools you may have in-place.
Can I map Business Email to Email?
Yes but you should expect some problems in doing so.
Best practice is to map Email to Email, and Business Email to Business Email, Work Email, Alternate Email etc.
The metadata Email field is the email that leads provide as their opt-in email address through lead generation forms. If Email is set to a personal email address then our enrichment process will attempt to populate Business Email with the lead's business email address. For more on how the Business Email field is enriched, please visit this kb article.
Therefore, please consider:
- The metadata Business Email field is not required and may be left blank. Consider this if Email is a required field on your marketing automation platform.
- The metadata Email field will be the opt-in email that leads provide. By mapping the enriched Business Email field to the main Email field on your marketing platform, you are essentially ignoring the lead's request to use the opt-in email they provided as their primary email address on your system. Consider this and the privacy policy implications if you plan to use the Email field on your marketing automation platform for any sales / marketing communication in the future. We are not experts on this subject and advise that you speak to your legal team about the implications here.
- You may see duplicate leads on your marketing automation platform as a result of switching the mapping. Consider this if you have a direct sync between your lead generation forms and marketing automation platform. The direct sync will set the opt-in email as the value for the Email field. Later, we will attempt to push the same lead to your marketing automation platform however, we will be doing a search for a lead where the Email is equal to our Business Email value. If this is different than the opt-in email provided, we won't find a match and we will create a new lead, instead of updating the existing one.
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