This article will help you avoid a common pitfall that could cause lead duplication with Marketo.
When you create a custom field in Metadata for your lead gen forms to have users manually enter their email addresses, it will create a new field in your Marketo launch point for FB and LI once you add the offer to a campaign draft.
First, create the custom field by going to, then library, then custom fields and click on add new custom field, and lastly, on Primary Email (Opt-In), which will prompt you to create the field as we see below.
Then, the Offer needs to be created for this field to show as well.
In order to do this, you'll have to first to create the custom opt-in email field -> create a LinkedIn LGF Offer -> enable the custom opt-in email field, and attach this offer to a draft campaign with the LinkedIn channel enabled; this will create the offer in the channel + the field.
Now that the field has been added to a campaign, we have to log into Marketo and then go to the admin section.
Then click on Launchpoint.
Once you are in Launchpoint then, click on the Launchpoint you have previously created for LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms. Click continue until you get to the field mapping section below.
Then click on the add button and make sure to map the custom field you created to the primary email opt-in, typically called the email address.
Once mapped, click save.
You would repeat the same steps for the Facebook Launchpoint.
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