Now you can create reactions for specific personas (visitor segments), determined by cookies which are already used on your site. Alternatively, you can exclude specific segments from a reaction.
Use this to:
Prevent showing "Sign up" reactions to visitors who are already logged in.
Give discounts to visitors who previously made purchases.
Encourage visitors who previously added items to their shopping cart to complete their purchase
Present relevant content to a returning visitor
And much more...
Cookie Based Persona Setup
From the Web Personalization Studio, create or edit a reaction, and follow the steps until you reach the Persona tab.
Click on 'Create a New Persona' and scroll down to the Cookies option.
Click on the gearbox icon to the left:
4. A pop up will appear where you can add in all the values for the cookie setup. Give your Cookie a name (i.e. "logged in"), enter the Cookie Key (Cookie Name) and Cookie Value (optional), then click the '+' icon.
Note: Regular Expressions are supported for both the Key and Value inputs.
A valid Key and Value must be defined for each characteristics. To match any/all Values, simply use a regular expression ".*" or ".+".
5. Once completed, click the 'Save & Close' button and click on the option to use the persona:
Here you will find the list of Cookie Based Segments you created.
6. Click the "+" icon to select the relevant cookie(s), and then toggle to include / exclude this cookie from the persona.
Cookie Included:
Cookie Excluded:
You may include & exclude any combination of cookies in your persona, along with other persona characteristics (e.g. Geography or URL parameters).
7. Once selected, click on 'Back' and then save the persona. Follow through in saving and completing creating your reaction.
Your reaction will only be shown to the visitors matching all persona values.
Persona Setup - Persona Tab
Alternatively, you can create a persona first before you create a reaction in the persona's tab of the panel in the Studio:
Click on the '+' icon to create a new persona:
The same screen will appear for you to create your persona.
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